
Denying the Power

July 26, 2010
Denying the Power
2 TIMOTHY 3: 1-9

Paul’s writings are an absolute necessity for the church today. Just as the letters were instructions to Timothy, is it also the instructions of our lives today. Often times, we overlook the stringent statutes of the Bible simply because we are only applying it to someone else’s life.

Believers have become spiteful in their hearts against other believers so much that God cannot use them. Paul expresses here that many will have the trimmings of a believer but nothing to show for it. (v.5) God is pressing the church for a revival throughout the land. Our nation and our people are in complete disarray over their futures and safety. Isn’t it about time that church rises up out of the ashes of its deception and “proper trimmings” and stop denying the power that God has for each of us?

A good brother in the faith preached a sermon last night on the “Forgotten Past”. The basis of his sermon covered the topic of Christians forgetting where they come from and become slack for God. He went on to say that if believer truly realized what God saved them from alter calls would never make it to the end of the service.

I want to encourage you to continue the fight. Being a believer is never an easy task, and what’s more being obedient. God has called each believer to a special purpose with one centralized goal- to glorify Him. If your heart has become cold over the years, pray and ask God to pour out His spirit upon you and revive your life.

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